"Every week I marvel at what new opportunities this course brings out for my girls. The most shy girls expand their comfort zones and boost their self confidence." SRG

"It's a brilliant course that brings out new aspects in my students that I don't see when teaching them in other courses." TS


Drama in Action is a Drama Curriculum with an innovative approach to developing and strengthening social skills in Bais Yaakov middle school girls. Set up as a weekly class, this program is full of exciting drama activities and skill-building exercises. The course culminates in a fantastic play, incorporating the skills learned throughout the year.

The course includes a professionally written workbook for each student and a fabulous PowerPoint Teacher's Edition to carefully explain how to teach each lesson. Every lesson has a Social Skill objective along with a drama skill focus, and is packed with exercises and activities to teach that skill. Additionally, a free biweekly coaching session on Zoom is included in the course to further assist teachers.